General partner of RRE Ventures; CEO of the American Express Company from 1977 to 1993
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as James D Robinson III
PersonCommon Orgs
Louis V Gerstner Jr Council on Foreign Relations, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Harold McGraw III The Partnership for New York City, Inc., National Academy Foundation
Barry Diller The Coca-Cola Company, Fix the Debt
Ann Dibble Jordan Brookings Institution, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Daniel Yergin Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations
Carla A Hills The Coca-Cola Company, Council on Foreign Relations
Warren Bruce Rudman Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations
Peter Orszag Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations
Jonathan N Grayer The Partnership for New York City, Inc., Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Jessica Tuchman Mathews Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations
Dave Barger The Partnership for New York City, Inc., Fix the Debt
Lee S Ainslie III The Partnership for New York City, Inc., Fix the Debt
David B Weinberg The Coca-Cola Company, Brookings Institution
Kenneth Pollack Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations
James S Tisch The Partnership for New York City, Inc., Fix the Debt
Kenneth M Duberstein Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations
Kenneth M Jacobs Brookings Institution, The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Seth Waugh The Partnership for New York City, Inc., Fix the Debt
Kathryn S Wylde The Partnership for New York City, Inc., Fix the Debt
Evan Greenberg The Coca-Cola Company, Fix the Debt