Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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George Allen
US Representative and Senator from Virginia
2 contributions · 2,000 USD ('05→Oct 30 '12)
Susan Collins
US Senator from Maine
6 contributions · 2,000 USD ('07→May 2 '13)
Rob Portman
US Senator from Ohio (2011-present); former US Representative (1993-2007); former dir. OMB
4 contributions · 1,750 USD (Sep 15 '09→Jun 30 '15)
Saxby Chambliss
Republican US Senator and Representative from Georgia
3 contributions · 1,750 USD (May 24 '02→'06)
Ayotte Blunt Portman Victory Cmte
3 contributions · 1,500 USD (Oct 9 '10)
Tom Cotton
US Senator from Arkansas (2015-present); former US Representative (2013-2015)
2 contributions · 1,500 USD (Dec 30 '13→Mar 30 '14)
Kelly Ayotte
Former Republican US Senator from New Hampshire, gubernatorial candidate
3 contributions · 1,500 USD (Oct 25 '10→Dec 30 '13)
Bob Corker
US Senator from Tennessee
2 contributions · 1,500 USD (Nov 30 '09→Mar 29 '12)
Lamar Alexander
former Republican US Senator from Tennessee (2003-2021)
2 contributions · 1,500 USD (Sep 30 '13→Mar 31 '14)
Deb Fischer
Republican US Senator from Nebraska
2 contributions · 1,250 USD (Sep 20 '12→Sep 30 '14)