Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
3 contributions · 15,000 USD ('12)
Rob Portman
US Senator from Ohio (2011-present); former US Representative (1993-2007); former dir. OMB
2 contributions · 12,400 USD ('10)
John Boehner
Republican US Representative from Ohio; majority leader
4 contributions · 9,600 USD ('10→'12)
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
3 contributions · 7,000 USD ('09→'12)
Steve Chabot
US Representative from Ohio (1995-2009 and 2011-present)
3 contributions · 5,900 USD ('10→'12)
Winnovember Political Action Committee
1 contribution · 5,000 USD ('12)
Allen West
Tea Party-backed Congressman elected in 2010 (R-Fla.)
2 contributions · 3,500 USD ('12)
Tim Pawlenty
Former Governor of Minnesota; President and CEO of Financial Services Roundtable
1 contribution · 2,500 USD ('11)
Brad Wenstrup
US Representative from Ohio
1 contribution · 2,500 USD ('12)
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Campaign committee for Republican U.S. Senate candidates
2 contributions · 1,500 USD ('10)