Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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National Republican Senatorial Committee
Campaign committee for Republican U.S. Senate candidates
2 contributions · 5,000 USD ('10→'11)
Ryan Zinke
Trump's former Interior Secretary, former US Rep from Montana (R), former Navy Commander at SEAL Team Six
1 contribution · 2,600 USD (Nov 14 '13)
Ted Cruz
Republican U.S. Senator from Texas
4 contributions · 2,500 USD ('11→Oct 3 '12)
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
3 contributions · 2,200 USD ('91→Dec 7 '00)
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
2 contributions · 2,000 USD ('12→Jul 20 '12)
Pat Toomey
former US Senator from Pennsylvania (2011-2023); former US Representative
2 contributions · 2,000 USD (Sep 17 '15)
Richard Shelby
US Senator and Representative from Alabama (R-AL)
2 contributions · 1,500 USD (Jun 30 '97→Nov 3 '15)
Dan Sullivan
US Senator; Former Alaska Natural Resources Commissioner
1 contribution · 1,000 USD (Oct 20 '14)
Dan Coats
Former Trump Director of National Intelligence. Senator and Representative from Indiana
1 contribution · 1,000 USD ('10)
Patrick McHenry
Republican US Representative from North Carolina (2005-present)
1 contribution · 1,000 USD (Jun 30 '16)