Federal executive department responsible for carrying out U.S. foreign policy and international relations
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of US Department of State also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
White House Office Stanton Anderson, Robert Kimmitt, Kris Kobach, Daniel K Tarullo, John Bolton, Meridith Webster, Condoleezza Rice, Donald H Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby, Colin L Powell, John D Negroponte, Meghan O'Sullivan, Robert Zoellick, Patrick Gaspard, Tony Blinken, Jack Lew, Fred Duval, Robert Boorstin, Gregori Lebedev, Greg Craig, Stephen J Hadley, Cheryl Mills, John Quincy Adams, Norman L Eisen, Richard A Clarke, Peter Bass, Alfred Moses, Miguel E Rodriguez, Andrea Thompson, Jonathon Morgan
Atlantic Council Richard Armitage, Tom Nides, Stuart E Eizenstat, George P Shultz, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Robert Kimmitt, James B Steinberg, James Addison Baker III, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Colin L Powell, Joseph S Nye Jr, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Henry A Kissinger, Thomas R Pickering, Robert D Hormats, Reuben Jeffery III, John C Whitehead, Stephen J Hadley, Christian Herter, William Burns, David L Goldwyn, Peter Bass, Carlos Pascual, Jon M Huntsman Jr, Kiron K Skinner, William H Taft IV, David Merkel, Natalie Jaresko
National Security Council Robert Blackwill, Sue Cronin, Susan Rice, Jeffrey A Bader, John D Negroponte, Meghan O'Sullivan, Tony Blinken, Hugo Llorens, Thomas Shannon, Robert D Hormats, Reuben Jeffery III, Stephen J Hadley, Robert C. McFarlane, Robert E Kiernan III, Paul V Lettow, John B Bellinger III, Carlos Pascual, Roger Cressey, Kiron K Skinner, Christopher Hill, Caroline Diane Krass, Kori Schake, Avril Haines, David Merkel, Matthew Waxman, Shirin R Tahir-Kheli, Yleem Poblete, Laura Rosenberger
Council on Foreign Relations Richard C Holbrooke, George P Shultz, Daniel L Spiegel, Robert Blackwill, Witney Schneidman, Madeleine Albright, William J McDonough, Colin L Powell, Meghan O'Sullivan, Stephen W Bosworth, Joseph S Nye Jr, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Strobe Talbott, Stanley Fischer, Francis Fukuyama, Thomas R Pickering, Robert D Hormats, Paul Dyster, Warren Christopher, Elihu Root, David L Goldwyn, John B Bellinger III, Jared Cohen, Suzanne Maloney, Matthew Waxman, April Palmerlee
Trump Transition Team Department of State Terry Branstad, Christopher Burnham, Charles Glazer, Robert Blau, Paul V Lettow, Kiron K Skinner, Ashley Bell, Catharine O’Neill, Steven Groves, Amy Bradshaw, Bob Castro, Alexander Gray, Kristal Quarker Hartsfield, Andrew Peek, Herman Pirchner, Karina Rollins, Erin Walsh, Jackie Wolcott
Brookings Institution Stuart E Eizenstat, Susan Rice, James B Steinberg, Jeffrey A Bader, Witney Schneidman, Meghan O'Sullivan, Harold Hongju Koh, Strobe Talbott, John C Whitehead, C Douglas Dillon, David L Goldwyn, Carlos Pascual, Cynthia P Schneider, Avril Haines, Suzanne Maloney, Jonathon Morgan, Tony Pipa
US Department of Defense Donald H Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Joseph S Nye Jr, Robert A. Lovett, Charles W. Freeman, Jr., Stephen J Hadley, Elliot L Richardson, John B Bellinger III, Roger Cressey, Brian P McKeon, Christopher J Lamb, Matthew Waxman, Kenneth Braithwaite, William Wolfe
Obama for America Susan Rice, Patrick Gaspard, Frank E Loy, Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe, Bruce Oreck, John V Roos, Cynthia Stroum, Louis B Susman, Anthony Lake, David Jacobson, Charles Rivkin, Greg Craig, John R Phillips, Doug Hickey
US House of Representatives Donald H Rumsfeld, John Quincy Adams, James Buchanan, Frank Ruggiero, Charles Francis Adams I, Kenneth B Keating, Mike Mansfield, Lewis Williams Douglas, Chester Bowles, Alanson B Houghton, Andrew Maguire, Francis Rooney
Covington & Burling LLP Stuart E Eizenstat, Daniel L Spiegel, Alan P. Larson, Witney Schneidman, John Bolton, Dean Acheson, Alfred Moses, Stephen R Bond, Constance Anne Pence, Paula Uribe
Center for Strategic and International Studies Richard Armitage, General Anthony Zinni, James Dyer, Lloyd N Hand, Witney Schneidman, Madeleine Albright, Joseph S Nye Jr, Henry A Kissinger, David L Goldwyn, Henrietta Holsman Fore
U.S. Department of the Treasury Stuart E Eizenstat, Robert Kimmitt, Robert Zoellick, Stanley Fischer, Jack Lew, C Douglas Dillon, Caroline Diane Krass, David Merkel, David Tessler
Albright Stonebridge Group Richard Verma, Madeleine Albright, Wendy Sherman, Suzanne A George, James C O'Brien, Roberta S Jacobson, Amy Celico, Dan K Rosenthal, Christopher Hill
America Abroad Media Richard Armitage, James B Steinberg, Strobe Talbott, Thomas R Pickering, John C Whitehead, Philip Zelikow, James K Glassman, John B Bellinger III
US Department of Justice John Bolton, Philander Knox, Nicholas Katzenbach, Elliot L Richardson, Robert D McCallum Jr, John B Bellinger III, Caroline Diane Krass, Norman Bay
US Agency for International Development John Bolton, Carlos Pascual, Peter Trick, Dan K Rosenthal, Henrietta Holsman Fore, Lona Stoll, Bonnie Glick, Tony Pipa
Central Intelligence Agency Cofer Black, William Burns, Mike Pompeo, Joseph DeTrani, Caroline Diane Krass, Avril Haines, Walter Bedell Smith, Nick Lovrien
Office of the United States Trade Representative Sue Cronin, Lisa Errion, Jeffrey A Bader, Robert Zoellick, Christian Herter, Brian Gunderson, Jon M Huntsman Jr, Amy Celico
Embassy of the United States: London, UK Louis B Susman, William S Farish III, John Milton Hay, John Quincy Adams, James Buchanan, James Monroe, Martin Van Buren, David K E Bruce
Goldman Sachs Robert Zoellick, Robert D Hormats, Reuben Jeffery III, John C Whitehead, Pete Coneway, Peter Bass, Mike Mansfield, Erin Walsh