John W Allen and Tivadar Soros have/had a generic relationship

Inspired by John W Allen
Inspired Tivadar Soros
Notes John W Allen Feb 01, 2018 John Allen (President, AIESEC Yale, 1961 and former Chairman of the Board of AIESEC, US) is a man on a mission! His mission is stated as follows: “to facilitate the peaceful transition from the nation-state to the global-state.” His inspiration for this came from the book, “Maskerado, Dancing Around Death in Nazi Hungary” written in the 1960’s by Tivadar Soros (George Soros’s father.) Soros said: “In my view, international life will never be healthy until we change current notions of national sovereignty. Given the extraordinary technological advances now going on, we must recognize that such concepts are out of date and morally indefensible: we must place limits on the absolute power of the individual state. Not only does every state have a right to intervene in the internal affairs of another state if that state violates fundamental human rights, but it has a moral responsibility to do so. And what is true of states is true of individuals, too.” John is uniquely qualified to pursue this mission because of his global background, his amazing connections and his insatiable curiosity. His global interests began as an undergraduate at Yale University. He had already traveled to Europe, since his parents were in the diplomatic service in Paris, but Yale provided additional studies in Africa, Asia and Latin America. He also joined AIESEC which gave him the opportunity to take two traineeships– one in Paris working for the Aeroport de Paris and the second in Copenhagen with the Danish Institute for Mathematic Machines (their national computer center). He jokes that it was located on the grounds of the Carlsberg Brewery so he had all the free beer he could drink – including their famous “Elephant Beer” - “You drink three of these and you don’t stand up,” said his boss.
Updated over 3 years ago

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