Frank Martinez has/had a position (Co-Founder) at StartUpCoin Ventures

Title Co-Founder
Start Date 2014-00-00
End Date 2016-00-00
Notes Co-founder Company NameStartupCoin Ventures LLC Dates EmployedOct 2014 – Dec 2016 Employment Duration2 yrs 3 mos LocationGreater Seattle Area Co-founder of this boutique angel investment, incubation firm. Invented equity cryptocurrency [$SCV] model for talent compensation during the early stage of a venture. The talent:value algorithm optimizes WHAT talent is needed WHEN during the first year; tokenizes contribution which can be transferred to traditional equity or traded in a marketplace. Lead the SCV team designing, incubating the Washington State Business Hub web platform; including an experimental kiosk version deployed at the Seattle Impact Hub for startups businesses. Developed an ENTREPRENEUR IN RESIDENCE high school internship program. Interns landed at UCLA, University of Washington, Harvey Mudd, University of San Francisco, Claremont Mckenna. Elite Talent :: Hard Problems :: Social Impact
Updated almost 5 years ago

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