Lumina Foundation Talent Hubs and Jobs for the Future have/had a generic relationship

Partner Lumina Foundation Talent Hubs
Partner Jobs for the Future
Notes Lumina Talent Hub- Learning Lab A team from southeast Indiana recently attended a Learning Lab in Nashville, TN, along with five other Talent Hub sites from across the country. The two-day convening was sponsored by Lumina Foundation, Jobs for the Future, and Kresge Foundation. Attendees from Albuquerque, Cincinnati, Nashville, Tulsa, Columbus and Elkhart County Indiana participated in peer consultancy sessions focused on strategies to increase the number of adults with credentials and degrees. The EcO Network was highlighted in two presentations. The EcO team included Nickie Nolting of McDowell Education Center, Dustin Stewart of Ivy Tech Community College Madison, Heather Baker of Ivy Tech Community College Columbus, and Kathy Huffman of EcO Attainment Network.
Updated about 5 years ago

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