Brian Benczkowski
Senate Judiciary Committee, US Department of Justice
Brigham Q Cannon
Senate Judiciary Committee, US Department of Justice
John Podesta
Senate Judiciary Committee, US Department of Justice
Ted Cruz
Senate Judiciary Committee, US Department of Justice
Michael K Powell
US Department of Justice
Henry G Cisneros
Thomas B Wheeler
US Department of Justice
Carla A Hills
US Department of Justice
Joe Biden
Senate Judiciary Committee
Patrick Leahy
Senate Judiciary Committee
Michael T McCaul
US Department of Justice
Jeff Sessions
US Department of Justice
Arlen Specter
Senate Judiciary Committee
John Ashcroft
US Department of Justice
Gregory Nickerson
US Department of Justice
Marla P Grossman
Senate Judiciary Committee
Mark Gitenstein
Senate Judiciary Committee
Heidi Stirrup
US Department of Justice
Louis Dupart
Senate Judiciary Committee
Jeffrey Peck
Senate Judiciary Committee