Arthur W. Zafiropoulo, noted for his leadership skills and technical expertise in the semiconductor industry since 1965, became President of Ultratech Stepper, now Ultratech, Inc., in 1990, and in 1993, led the management buyout, and subsequently, drove the company’s IPO. He serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company. Before joining the company, he served as President of the General Signal Semiconductor Equipment Group’s international operations. Previous posts include Founder and President of Drytek, a startup dry etch company that was acquired by General Signal in 1986, and subsequently purchased by Lam Research Corp.; and President of Kayex, which comprised three companies, Hampco, Capco and Spitfire. He holds several U.S. and foreign patents, but is best known for leading the turnaround of Ultratech Stepper, for which VLSI Research Inc. of San Jose, Calif., inducted him into the Semiconductor Industry Hall of Fame. Mr. Zafiropoulo was honored with the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International’s first Bob Graham Award for Marketing Excellence. In 2007, he was elected Director Emeritus to the board of directors for SEMI after serving on the board of directors for 11 years, including Chairman and Vice President positions. SEMI is an international trade association representing the semiconductor, flat-panel display equipment and materials industry.