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Neeru Paharia CV October.pdf Download ▾ 1Neeru PahariaMcDonough School of Business, GeorgetownUniversityRafik B. Hariri Building, Suite 57837th and O Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20057Tel: (202) 524-0621,np412@georgetown.eduUpdated October,2017FACULTY EMPLOYMENTAssistant Professor of Marketing, 2012-PresentMcDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, Washington, DCEDUCATION Doctor of BusinessAdministration, Marketing, 2010Harvard Business School, Boston, MA Masterof Science in Public Policy andManagement,Major,Information Systems(with distinction)Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Bachelor of Arts, Economics,Minor,SociologyUniversity of California, Davis, CAHONORS AND AWARDS Journal of Consumer Research “Best Paper Award 2014” Second PlaceResearch Featured in “How to Publish High Quality Research” (ed. Jeffery Joireman)Aspen Institute, Dissertation Award FinalistAMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium FellowScience Commons FellowRaiffa Doctoral Student Paper Award, Harvard Law SchoolGraduate with distinction, Carnegie Mellon UniversityCoroFellowin Public Affairs, Coro Foundation,San FranciscoHonors Thesis, University of California, DavisU.S. Department of State Internship Program, Economic Section, Sri LankaPublic Policy and International Affairs Fellow, full funding for masters degreeCongressional Bronze Medal for Volunteer ServiceEMPLOYMENT Research Director, 2010-2012Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MAExecutive Director, Assistant Director (founding team),2002-2005 Creative Commons, Palo Alto and San Francisco, CA 2Associate Consultant, 2001-2002McKinsey and Company, San Francisco, CASummer Associate, 2000 Deloitte Consulting, Sacramento, CARESEARCHJournalPublicationsBellezza, S., Paharia, N., Keinan, A. (2017) “Conspicuous Consumption of Time: When Busyness at Workand Lack of Leisure Time Become a Status Symbol,”Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 44(1) pp. 118-138Paharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,(2014) “Positioning Brands Against Large Competitors to Increase Sales”Journal of Marketing Research51(6), 647-656*Lead ArticlePaharia, N., Vohs, K.D., Deshpandé, R.(2013) “Sweatshop Labor is Wrong Unless the Shoes are Cute: Cognition Can Both Help and Hurt Moral Motivated Reasoning,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 121 (1) pp. 81-88Paharia, N., Keinan, A., Avery, J., Schor, J. (2011) “The Underdog Effect: The Marketing of Disadvantage and Determination through Brand Biography,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 37 (5) pp. 775-790.Journal of Consumer Research “Best Paper Award”2014,Second Place.Paharia, N., Kassam, K. S., Greene, J. D., & Bazerman, M. H. (2009) “Dirty work, clean hands: The moral psychology of indirect agency,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 109(2), 134-141.Papers Under ReviewPaharia,N. “The Damage Is Done: Consumer Tolerance for Harm in Made-to-Stock Versus Made-to-Order Production” Being prepared for resubmission (invited for 3rdround review) atJournal of MarketingPaharia, N., Swaminathan, V. “Who is Wary of Cocreation? The Hazards of Empowering Power-Distant and Conservative Consumers” Being prepared for resubmission (invited for 2ndround review) atJournal of MarketingPaharia, N., Blanchard S. “Using Ownership Share to Signal the Quality of a New Venture Investment Opportunity,” under review at Management SciencePaharia, N., Thompson, D. “Appealing to Status-Oriented Consumers by Highlighting a Brand’s Deep Pockets: The Appeal of Top Dog Brands” Being prepared for resubmission (reject and resubmit) at Journal of Marketing 3Research in ProgressPaharia, N., Malaviya, P. “How do Arbitrary Products Attain Status Value?”Hydock, C., Paharia, N. “Your Vote or Your Dollar?–the Appeal of Boycotting versus Buycotting Behaviors” Book Chapters and Other ArticlesBellezza, S., Paharia, N., Keinan, A (2017) “Research: Why Americans Are So Impressed by Busyness,” Harvard Business Review,Online Edition Paharia, N., Avery, J.,Keinan, A. (2015) “Framing the game: how brands’ relationships with their competitors affect consumer preference” Chapter in Strong Brands, Strong Relationships, ed. Fournier, S., Breazeale, M., and Avery, J., Routledge, New York, NYPaharia, N., Keinan, A., Avery, J. (2014) “The Upside to Large Competitors,” Sloan Management Review, FallPaharia, N., Coffman, L., Bazerman, M.,(2011) “Intermediation and Diffusion of Responsibility in Negotiation: A Case of Bounded Ethicality,” Chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Economic Conflict Resolution, Ed., Bolton, G., and Croson, R., New York, NY: Oxford University Press.Paharia, N., Keinan, A., Avery, J., (2011) “Underdog Branding: Why Underdogs Win in Recessions,” European Business Review, Invited ArticleKeinan, A., Avery, J.,Paharia, N.,(November 2010)"Capitalizing on the Underdog Effect,"Harvard Business Review, no. 11,32. Avery, J., Paharia,N., Keinan,A., Schor, J., (2010)"The Strategic Use of Brand Biographies," Research in Consumer Behavior,Volume 12.Batson, T., Paharia, N., Kumar, V. (2008) “A Harvest Too Large? A Framework for Educational Abundance,” Chapter in Opening up Education, ed. Iiyoshi, T., Kumar, V., MIT Press, Cambridge, MAPRESENTATIONS Bellezza, S., Paharia, N. Keinan, A. “Conspicuous Consumption of Time: When Busyness at Work and Lack of Leisure Time Becomea Status Symbol” (2015) Paper presentation at National University SingaporeBellezza, S., Paharia, N. Keinan, A. “Conspicuous Consumption of Time: When Busyness at Work and Lack of Leisure Time Become a Status Symbol” (2015) Paper presentation at the Center for Advanced Hindsight, Duke UniversityBellezza, S., Keinan, A., Paharia, N. “Conspicuous Consumption of Time: When Busyness at Work and Lack of Leisure Time Become a Status Symbol” (2015) Paper presentation at the Society for ConsumerResearch annual conference. Phoenix, AZ 4Bellezza, S., Keinan, A., Paharia, N. “Conspicuous Consumption of Time: When Busyness at Work and Lack of Leisure Time Become a Status Symbol” (2014) Paper presentation at the Association for Consumer Research annual conference.Baltimore, MDPaharia, N., Swaminathan, V. “Democratic Brands: A Framework and Empirical Test” (2014) Paper presentation at the Association for Consumer Research annual conference. Baltimore, MDPaharia, N., Thompson, D. “When Underdog Narratives Backfire: The Role of Status Motivations,” (2014) Paper presentation at the Association for Consumer Research annual conference. Baltimore, MDPaharia, N., Thompson, D. “When Underdog Narratives Backfire: The Role of Status Motivations,” Marketing Academic Research Colloquium, Washington, DCPaharia, N., Deshpandé, R., Vohs, K., “Sweatshop Labor is Wrong Unless the Jeans are Cute: Motivated Moral Disengagement”(2014)Invited paper presentation at Georgetown University, Psychology colloquium, Washington, DCPaharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Positioning Brands Against Large Competitors to Increase Sales”(2013) Paper presentation at the Association for Consumer Research annual conference. Chicago, ILPaharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Positioning Brands Against Large Competitors to Increase Sales”(2013) Paper presentation at George Mason UniversityPaharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Positioning Brands Against Large Competitors to Increase Sales”(2013) Paper presentation at the Theory Practice and Management conference. London Business SchoolStaton, M., Paharia, N., Oveis, C., “Emotional Marketing: How Pride and Compassion Impact Preferences for Strong and Weak Underdog and Top Dog Brands”(2012) Paper presentation at the Association for Consumer Research annual conference. Vancouver, BCPaharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Framing the Game: How Positioning Brands in Competition Motivates Political Consumption” (2012) Paper presentation at the Society for Consumer Psychology annual conference. Las Vegas, NVPaharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Framing the Game: How Positioning Brands in Competition Motivates Political Consumption” (2011) Paper presentation at Georgetown University, Washington, DCPaharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Framing the Game: How Positioning Brands in Competition Motivates Political Consumption” (2011) Paper presentation at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HIPaharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Framing the Game: How Positioning Brands in Competition Motivates Political Consumption” (2011) Paper presentation at Boston University, Boston, MA 5Paharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Framing the Game: How Positioning Brands in Competition Motivates Political Consumption” (2011) Paper presentation at Mills College, Oakland, CAPaharia, N., Avery, J., Keinan, A.,“Framing the Game: How Positioning Brands in Competition Motivates Political Consumption” (2011) Paper presentation at the University of Technology, Sydney, AUPaharia, N., Deshpandé, R.,Vohs, K.,“Sweatshop Labor is Wrong Unless the Jeans are Cute: Motivated Moral Disengagement” (2010) Paper presentation at the Association for Consumer Research annual conference. Jacksonville, FLPaharia, N., Deshpandé, R.,Vohs, K.,“Sweatshop Labor is Wrong Unless the Jeans are Cute: Motivated Moral Disengagement” (2010) Poster at the Behavioral Decision Research in Management annual conference. Pittsburgh, PAPaharia, N., Keinan, A., Avery, J., Schor, J. “The Underdog Effect: The Marketing of Disadvantage through Brand Biography,” (2010) Paper presentation at the European School of Management and Technology, Berlin, GermanyPaharia, N., Keinan, A., Avery, J., Schor, J. “The Underdog Effect: The Marketing ofDisadvantage through Brand Biography,” (2009) Paper presentation at the Association for Consumer Research annual conference. Pittsburgh, PAPaharia, N., Keinan, A., Avery, J., Schor, J. “The Underdog Effect: The Marketing of Disadvantage through Brand Biography,” (2009) Paper presentation at the Society for Consumer Psychology annual conference. San Diego, CAPaharia, N., Deshpandé, R., “Sweatshop Labor is Wrong Unless the Jeans are Cute: Motivated Moral Disengagement” (2009) Paper presentation at the Society for Consumer Psychology annual conference. San Diego, CAPaharia, N., Deshpandé, R., “Sweatshop Labor is Wrong Unless the Jeans are Cute: Motivated Moral Disengagement” (2009) Paper presentation at the Transatlantic Doctoral Conference, London, U.K.RESEARCH INTERESTSJudgment and decision making, consumer behavior, branding, consumer and brand identity,signalingthrough brands, social media, political consumption, moral psychology, digital marketing.TEACHING Principles of Marketing, McDonoughSchool of Business, Georgetown University,2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017(instructorevaluationsaverage 4.68out of 5)Course Assistant, First Year Marketing, Harvard Business School, Fall 2010Institutional Corruption Seminar, Harvard University, 2010-2012 Show sidebar
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