American Diplomat and Investment Banker
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Richard C Holbrooke
PersonCommon Orgs
James A Johnson Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Princeton University, Perseus LLC, Public Strategies
Robert D Hormats US Department of State, Princeton University, Council on Foreign Relations
Maurice R Greenberg American International Group, Inc., Council on Foreign Relations, Asia Society
Theodore Roosevelt IV Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, US Department of State, American Museum of Natural History
David Rubenstein Council on Foreign Relations, Asia Society, The American Academy in Berlin
Louis V Gerstner Jr Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, American Museum of Natural History
Anne-Marie Slaughter US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations, National Security Network
John C Whitehead US Department of State, Asia Society, Bilderberg Group
Henry A Kissinger US Department of State, Bilderberg Group, The American Academy in Berlin
George W Ball Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, US Department of State, Bilderberg Group
Warren Christopher US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations
Roger C Altman Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, American Museum of Natural History
Suzanne Maloney US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations
George John Mitchell Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group
Kenneth M Duberstein Council on Foreign Relations, National Endowment for Democracy
Clifton R Wharton Jr Council on Foreign Relations, Asia Society
Richard Plepler Council on Foreign Relations, Asia Society
Martin S Feldstein American International Group, Inc., Council on Foreign Relations
Kenneth W Dam Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group
Strobe Talbott US Department of State, Council on Foreign Relations