Jordan Levy, Sheldon M Berlow, Beverly Foit-Albert, Judith B Ittig, Ron Schreiber, Jean C Powers, Thomas E Black Jr, Gary R Bichler, Ravi Bansal
UBF Corporation
Jordan Levy, Sheldon M Berlow, Beverly Foit-Albert, Judith B Ittig, Ron Schreiber, Jean C Powers, Thomas E Black Jr, Gary R Bichler, Ravi Bansal
University at Buffalo Foundation Incubator, Inc
Jordan Levy, Sheldon M Berlow, Beverly Foit-Albert, Judith B Ittig, Ron Schreiber, Jean C Powers, Thomas E Black Jr, Gary R Bichler, Ravi Bansal
University at Buffalo Foundation, Inc.
Jordan Levy, Sheldon M Berlow, Beverly Foit-Albert, Judith B Ittig, Ron Schreiber, Jean C Powers, Thomas E Black Jr, Gary R Bichler, Ravi Bansal
University at Buffalo Law School
Judith B Ittig, Jean C Powers, Thomas E Black Jr
JoRon Management LLC
Jordan Levy, Ron Schreiber
Seed Capital Partners
Jordan Levy, Ron Schreiber
Z80 Labs
Jordan Levy, Ron Schreiber
SoftBank Capital
Jordan Levy, Ron Schreiber
Jordan Levy, Ron Schreiber
ClientLogic Corp
Jordan Levy, Ron Schreiber
Berlow Real Estate
Sheldon M Berlow
Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center
Sheldon M Berlow
The Park School of Buffalo
Sheldon M Berlow
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation
Jordan Levy
Jordan Levy
Buffalo Civic Auto Ramps
Beverly Foit-Albert
Foit-Albert Associates
Beverly Foit-Albert
Ittig & Ittig
Judith B Ittig
Jaeckle Fleischmann & Mugel
Jean C Powers