People Have Given To
People with positions in Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform have made donations to
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $143,700 Robert E Denham, Karen N Horn, Tom Downey, Roy Romer, William H Gray III, Robert Greenstein
New Visions for Public Schools $100,000 Peter G Peterson
Democratic National Committee $87,979 Robert E Denham, Eva M Clayton, James Ralph Sasser, Tom Downey, Peter G Peterson, Roy Romer, William H Gray III
Republican National Committee $83,950 Thomas H Kean, Alan Simpson, John Danforth, Peter G Peterson
National Republican Senatorial Committee $70,500 Thomas H Kean, John Danforth, Peter G Peterson
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $62,300 Robert E Denham, James Ralph Sasser, Tom Downey, William H Gray III, Robert Greenstein
John McCain $54,400 Thomas H Kean, Pete Domenici, John Danforth, Peter G Peterson
Barack Obama $38,300 Robert E Denham, Bob Kerrey, Eva M Clayton, Tom Downey, Bill Archer, Roy Romer, Robert Greenstein
Chris Van Hollen $36,700 Dale Bumpers, Peter G Peterson
Chuck Schumer $35,100 Robert E Denham, Bob Kerrey, Tom Downey, Peter G Peterson, William H Gray III
Mitt Romney $30,200 Thomas H Kean, Porter J Goss, Alan Simpson, John Danforth, Peter G Peterson
AMERIPAC $26,000 Tom Downey, Peter G Peterson, William H Gray III
Barbara Boxer $23,800 Robert E Denham, Bob Kerrey, Tom Downey, William H Gray III
Hillary Clinton $23,400 Robert E Denham, Bob Kerrey, Dale Bumpers, Tom Downey, Peter G Peterson, Roy Romer, William H Gray III
Nancy Pelosi $22,800 Tom Downey, Peter G Peterson
William H Gray III $21,000 William H Gray III
Prairie Political Action Committee $18,500 Tom Downey, Peter G Peterson
New Jersey Republican State Committee $18,304 Thomas H Kean
Michael Bennet $17,600 Bob Kerrey, Tom Downey, Peter G Peterson, Roy Romer, Robert Greenstein
Roy Blunt $17,500 John Danforth, Peter G Peterson
Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform
Updated over 10 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Government Body