University of Minnesota
People Have Given To
People with positions in Carlson School of Management have made donations to
Amy Klobuchar $73,600 Susan E Engel, Thomas O Staggs, Andrew Cecere, James A Lawrence, Luella G Goldberg, James T Prokopanko, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Hubert Joly, Robert D MacDonald, Jodeen A Kozlak, Nazie M Eftekhari, James G Scoville, Akshay R Rao
Republican Party of Minnesota $70,000 Marilyn Carlson Nelson
Norm Coleman $64,400 Andrew Cecere, James A Lawrence, Luella G Goldberg, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Robert D MacDonald, Jodeen A Kozlak, Nazie M Eftekhari
Republican National Committee $47,500 John H Hammergren, John Stumpf, William Zollars, Marilyn Carlson Nelson
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee $42,184 Nazie M Eftekhari
Walt Disney Productions Employees PAC (Disney Employees Political Action Committee) $40,000 Thomas O Staggs
Barack Obama $33,700 Susan E Engel, William Zollars, James A Lawrence, Robert D MacDonald, Nazie M Eftekhari, James G Scoville, Akshay R Rao
Tim Walz $33,050 James A Lawrence, Nazie M Eftekhari, James G Scoville, Akshay R Rao
Democratic National Committee $31,465 Susan E Engel, James A Lawrence, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Nazie M Eftekhari, James G Scoville, Akshay R Rao
Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party $29,400 Susan E Engel, James A Lawrence, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Robert D MacDonald, James G Scoville, Akshay R Rao
National Republican Congressional Committee $28,000 Thomas O Staggs, Marilyn Carlson Nelson
Mitt Romney $27,300 John Stumpf, William Zollars, James A Lawrence
Hillary Victory Fund $25,000 Hubert Joly
Erik Paulsen $23,350 Luella G Goldberg, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Hubert Joly
Wells Fargo and Company Employee PAC (Aka Wells Fargo Employee PAC) $22,464 John Stumpf
Mark Kennedy $22,200 Andrew Cecere, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Robert D MacDonald
Rob Portman $21,700 John Stumpf, Andrew Cecere, Hubert Joly
Hillary Clinton $20,900 Susan E Engel, James A Lawrence, Luella G Goldberg, Hubert Joly, Jodeen A Kozlak, Nazie M Eftekhari, Akshay R Rao
Follow the North Star Fund $20,700 Susan E Engel, Hubert Joly, Nazie M Eftekhari
McKesson Corporation Employees Political Fund $20,236 John H Hammergren