Partnerships HOT assists international organizations as well as governments and first responders with mapping needs during disaster. Additionally, HOT participates in various long-term projects with our partners. American Red Cross The American Red Cross is a co-founder of Missing Maps alongside HOT. HOT and the American Red Cross work together on a number of projects including the development of OpenMapKit. Currently HOT supports the American Red Cross on Ebola mapping efforts in Guinea and Liberia via feedback and enhancements to OpenMapKit. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Financial Services for the Poor (FSP) funds HOT's financial inclusion mapping work in Uganda. Collaborations: Mapping Financial Inclusion in Uganda DAI DAI, through USAID's "Making Cities Work", supports HOT programming in Liberia under Liberia—Local Empowerment for Government Inclusion and Transparency (LEGIT). Collaborations: LEGIT: Supporting decentralization in Liberian cities Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade HOT has collaborated with AusAid through the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) since 2011 to support the HOT Indonesia program. Currently DFAT funding supports HOT's work on the Disaster Management Innovation program in Indonesia led by Geoscience Australia. Collaborations: Indonesia Disaster Management Innovation Digital Humanitarian Network The Digital Humanitarian Network (DHN) is a network of organizations that provide information-based response and relief services to communities affected by disaster events and formal response actors directly servicing these populations. HOT is a Network Member of DHN. GFDRR The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) works together with HOT on data collection efforts in a number of countries. Past projects have included Bangladesh, Malawi, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. HOT is a contributing author to GFDRR's Planning an Open Cities Mapping Project guide and the second round of the Challenge Fund initiative. Collaborations: Malawi Flood Preparedness Sri Lanka Flooding 2016 GIScience Research Group/ Heidelberg Insitute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) GIScience Research Group/ Heidelberg Insitute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) shares a common vision with HOT with respect to supporting humanitarian activities by developing up-to-date disaster maps and providing innovative GI services for humanitarian response, mitigating risk and economic development. Hewlett Foundation A 2014-15 grant from the Hewlett Foundation supported building HOT's capacity to respond to the West Africa Ebola epidemic as well as future crises. This grant supported development of training as well as technology tools including Field Papers and the OSM Export Tool. Collaborations: Export Tool HOT Training Center West Africa Ebola Epidemic Humanitarian Innovation Fund Support from the Humanitarian Innovation Fund's Large Grants facility supported the development and launch of OpenAerialMap in 2015. Collaborations: OpenAerialMap Knight Foundation The Knight Foundation Prototype Fund provided generous support for the development of OpenMapKit (2014) and the OSM Data Analysis Tool (2015-16). Collaborations: OpenStreetMap Analytics MapGive MapGive, an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Humanitarian Information Unit, makes it easy for new volunteers to learn to map and get involved in online tasks. HOT works closely with MapGive on training material and coordinating the work of volunteer mapping projects. Missing Maps Each year, disasters around the world kill nearly 100,000 and affect or displace 200 million people. Many of the places where these disasters occur are literally 'missing' from any map and first responders lack the information to make valuable decisions regarding relief efforts. Missing Maps is an open, collaborative project in which you can help to map areas where humanitarian organisations are trying to meet the needs of vulnerable people. HOT is a founding member of Missing Maps alongside the American Red Cross, British Red Cross, and Medicins Sans Frontieres. Collaborations: Mapping the world’s vulnerable places begins with you! Peace Corps HOT and the U.S. Peace Corps (via the Peace Corps' Office of Innovation) have worked together since 2013 to help integrate the use of OpenStreetMap into Peace Corps Volunteers' deployments. In 2016, HOT joined the Peace Corps in promoting International Women's Day with a series of mapping events led by and focused on women. The World Bank The World Bank and HOT have collaborated on the Open Cities project, and the World Bank currently supports HOT OpenStreetMap training and data collection projects in a number of countries. Collaborations: Dar Ramani Huria - Dar Open Map Mongolia, Mapping Ulaanbaatar U.S. Department of State The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, through the Urban Innovation Program, supports HOT programming in northern Uganda and Istanbul, Turkey in response to refugee crises. Collaborations: Urban Innovations: Crowdsourcing Non-Camp Refugee Data Youth Mappers YouthMappers is an international network of university student group chapters dedicated to mapping real-world challenges. YouthMappers is an activity of MappersU, a mapping for resilience international university consortium co-founded by Texas Tech University, George Washington University, West Virginia University, and the USAID GeoCenter. In 2015, the program formalized collaboration through a public launch and a four-year grant from the USAID GeoCenter.