Top 5 Shareholders of Top 5 Defense Companies

October 24, 2023
7.75%3.72%5.9%5.74%14.24%8.27%6.27%2.81%2.55%8.6%8.54%7.06%3.12%4.57%ParentParentParent9.06%7.8%6.15%4.39%7.85%6.12%3.27%8.01%5.6&5.2%10.17%Advanced technology manufacturer and systems developerBoeingThe world's second-largest aerospace-and-defense companyRTX (Raytheon)Defense, aeronautics, and systems engineering companyLockheed MartinNorthrop GrummanManufactures components, parts, systems for military and commercial aircraftGeneral DynamicsFinancial Services Provider. World's third largest institutional investorState StreetThe world's largest asset managerBlackRockOne of the world's largest investment management companiesVanguard GroupProvides a range investment services to public and private institutions.WellingtonManagement CompanyCapital ResearchGlobal InvestorsA privately owned investment manager. A DIVISION OF CAPITAL RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT COMPANYCapital WorldInvestorsMultinational financial services corporation based in Boston, Massachusetts. It is the fourth largest asset manager with $2.4 trillion in assets under management as of December 2017.FMR LLC (Fidelity)Offers non-discretionary, directed trustee and custodial servicesNewport TrustCompanyCapital GroupCapitalInternationalInvestorsLongview AssetManagement