Valero Board Ties to Higher Ed

May 03, 2023
Former Member, Board of OverseersDirectorDirectorDirectorDirectorDirectorTrusteeFormer ChairmanTrusteeTrusteeDirectorTrusteeCEOAdvisory CouncilDirectorGlobal Advisory BoardTexas-based oil and gas corporationConocoPhillipsOil and Gas corporationValero EnergyRandall JWeisenburgerPenn business schoolUniversity ofPennsylvania - TheWharton SchoolUniversity ofDaytonTop-ranked medical school, is committed to education, research and outstanding patient careBaylor College ofMedicineDeborah P MajorasChairman & CEO, Lime Rock ResourcesEric D MullinsElectric utility serving Georgia; a subsidiary of Southern CompanyGeorgia PowerRayford WilkinsWestminsterCollegeWilliam R. Klesse,JrKim GreeneMorehouseCollege’s Schoolof MedicineMcCombs School ofBusiness at theUniversity of TexasMarie A. FfolkesChazen Institute forGlobal Business atColumbia Business School