Marathon Board Ties to Higher Ed

May 03, 2023
Former ExecutiveBoard ChairDirectorNon-Executive ChairmanFormer ExecutiveDirectorDirectorTrusteeDirectorBoard of Advisors, College of Arts and SciencesCo-FounderDeanDirectorTrusteeMemberDean's CouncilElectric utility companyAmerican ElectricPowerNatural gas producerChesapeake EnergyRetired Chairman and CEO, United States Steel CorporationJohn P SurmaDemocratic US Senator from IndianaEvan BayhPrivate, Ivy League university founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1740 as one of the nine colonial colleges chartered prior to the U.S. Declaration of IndependenceUniversity ofPennsylvaniaLiberal arts college in Gambier OhioKenyon CollegeUniversity ofPittsburgh MedicalCentermerged into ChevronAtlas EnergySusan TomaskyJohns HopkinsMedicineParent company; the nation's fourth-largest refinerMarathon PetroleumCEO, Chesapeake Midstream PartnersJ Mike Stice President, US Regulated Industries, Microsoft Corp.ToniTownes-WhitleyJonathan Z. CohenUniversity of Oklahoma’sMewbourne College ofEarth & EnergyPrinceton University’sFaith and Work InitiativeIndiana University’s PaulH. O’Neill School ofPublic and EnvironmentalAffairs