SKDK's New York Corporate Front Groups

August 16, 2022
MemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberClientClientSteering Committee MemberSteering Committee MemberSteering Committee MemberClientOne of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world. Covering Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island and the UK.National GridOil and natural gas industry associationAmerican PetroleumInstituteLobbying firmSKDKnickerbockerNYC real estate industry associationReal Estate Boardof New YorkEnbridge, Inc.Association of 25,000 LandlordsRent StabilizationAssociationRidesharing companyUberAnti-tax group of big business interestsTaxpayers for anAffordable NewYork LyftSupports increasing access to natural gas for manufacturing, power production, transportation, and other purposesNew Yorkers forAffordable Energya trade association representing owners of more than 4,000 apartment buildings in New York City's five boroughsCommunity HousingImprovementProgramFront group to prevent classifying gig economy workers as employees formerly known as Flexible Work for New YorkFlexible Work forNew YorkGig economy food delivery companyDoordash