Moniz, Majumdar & Revolving Doors

November 17, 2020
Director of Climate Change & Energy Initiatives (past)Secretary (2013-2017)Advisory Council memberExecutive Committee member (past)ChairmanOwnerPresident & CEODistinguished AssociateManaging Director & CFO (past)Director (past)VP of EnergyAdvisorTeam leadAdvisory Board ChairCo-DirectorCollaborated on California climate studyVenture PartnerSenior AdvisorAdvisorPartnerManaging Director Loan Programs Office (2015-2017)Vice Chair of Advisory Board (past)Various engagementsCEOChair, R&DTeam memberDirector, NREL & Energy Policy Committee member (past)Venture Partner, sustainabilityAssociate Deputy Secretary & Chief Risk Officer (past)Team memberDirectorDirectorAmerican multinational technology company; specializes in Internet-related services, productsGoogle Inc.United StatesDepartment ofEnergyGreen energy capitalist, politico, and academicDan ReicherAmerican gas and electric utility holding company based in the southern United StatesSouthern Companyelectric power industry’s international research and development organizationElectric PowerResearch InstituteDirector, NRELDan ArvizuSecretary, Department of EnergyErnest J MonizInvestor of growth capital in global energy companies in the exploration & production, energy service, and oil service technology sectors.Lime Rock PartnersProfessor, Stanford University; former VP - Energy at GoogleArun MajumdarStanford energy institutePrecourt Institutefor EnergyTexas oil and gas billionaire & Empower Texans chairman Tim DunnTexas non-profit that backs conservative causesEmpower TexansTexas oil and gas companyCrownRockErnest Moniz energy think tankEnergy FuturesInitiativemanaging director, Lime Rock PartnersMark Adrian MccallA strategic advisory and venture development firm founded by financier R. Brad Lane and The Honorable Thomas J. RidgeRIDGE-LANE LimitedPartnersBreakthroughEnergyColumbia UniversityJohn MacWilliamsLime Rock energy fundLime Rock NewEnergyBiden EnergyAgency Review Team

Moniz, Majumdar & Lime Rock

Arun Majumdar sits on the Advisory Board of Lime Rock New Energy, a “new energy” private equity firm. The chair of Lime Rock New Energy’s advisory board is none other than Ernest Moniz, who joined the board in 2019. Furthermore, Mark McCall, currently a Managing Director of Lime Rock New Energy, temporarily left Lime Rock to serve under Moniz as the Executive Director of the DOE’s Loan Programs Office from 2015 to 2017. 

All this means that McCall, Moniz, and Majumdar all joined or re-joined Lime Rock in some capacity after leaving their roles with the Moniz-era DOE - in effect, a joint revolving door journey from the Energy Department into the same energy-focused private equity firm.