Americans for Carbon Dividends

May 22, 2019
Chief of StaffLobbyistLobbyistLobbbyistLobbyistLobbyistLobbyistCo-Chair & LobbyistCo-Chair & LobbyistDeputy Chief of Staff & Press SecretaryLobbyist$1 million$1 million$1 millionLobbying firm$2 millionLobbyistLobbying for AfCDLobbying for AfCDLobbying for AfCDLobbying for AfCDFormer Rep & SenatorFormer Rep & SenatorFormer Rep & SenatorFormer RepFormer RepFormer RepExxonMobilConocoPhillipsJohn BoehnerJoseph CrowleyJack KingstonTrent LottWilliam ShusterJohn BreauxSquire PattonBoggsBret BoylesBPShellDavid SchnittgerAmericans forCarbon DividendsU.S. Congress &White House

Americans for Carbon Dividends

The fossil fuel industry is mobilizing behind the Baker-Schultz Plan, an industry-friendly, market centered carbon tax proposal