Chris Collins & Innate Immunotherapeutics

January 18, 2017
Representative, GA-6; Trump HHS nomineeFormer representative$20,000ChairmanCEOTrustee$32,200Trustee$15,800Chairvice chairmanRepresentative, NY-27Trustee$17,000Directormember institutionDirectorPresident & CEO$500ChairmanDirector37.9 million sharesFamilyFamily$5,0005.2 million shares5.2 million sharesInvestor2.1 million shareschief of staff$8,500Managing Director, Arthurs Malof Group4.2 million shares1.4 million shares2.8 million shares$1,000$1,3003.5 million sharesOwnerInvestorInvestorInvestorInvestorInvestorInvestor$2,000SVP2.9 million sharesManagerInvestorPartnerInvestorInvestorChair, Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care & Pain MedicineInvestorCollaboratingPresidentInvestorDirectorExecutiveInvestorchairmanInvestorMortgage$2,740InvestorattorneyPresidentInvestorChairmanFormer chief of staff$1,000$2,650 (returned after controversy)$20,000$44,000$12,500M&T BankCorporationUS House ofRepresentativesTom PriceBill PaxonUBS AGChris CollinsAngelo M FattaRoswell ParkCancer InstitutePhillips Lytle LLPGibraltarIndustriesUniversity atBuffaloFoundation, Inc.Brian J LipkeUnilandDevelopmentCompanyPaul J HarderRon SchreiberHarter Secrest &Emery LLPRobert L StevensonBuffalo NiagaraMedical CampusAnthony B MartinoVolland ElectricCorpAudubon MachineryCorpCUBRC, Inc.Paul ReidBrian GearyTom McMahonMark LemaInnateImmunotherapeuticsCaitlin CollinsCameron CollinsMichael HookGlenn ArthursThomas MassungCHEP II LLCChristopher AGrahamDonald RossArthursPhillip A DelmontBloch IndustriesWilliam GroveJoseph McMahon

Chris Collins, a Republican Congressman from the Buffalo area has come under scrutiny recently over his directorship at and investments in Innate Immunotherapeutics, a pharmaceutical firm based in Australia.

Collins, who is Innate's largest shareholder as well as a board member, was a champion of the 21st Century Cures Act, which will speed up clinical trials of drugs and medical devices. Collins chairs the House Subcommittee on Health and Technology. 

Thanks in part to that legislation, Innate's stock has more than quintupled since August, when Collins bought an additional 4 million shares, upping his stake in the company to 17%.