Scott Pruitt, Trump's Nominee to Lead the E.P.A.

January 10, 2017
Executive Vice PresidentChairman of the Board and Chief Executive OfficerChairman & CEOExecutive Vice PresidentbrotherDonationMembershipconference sponsor - Chairman levelconference sponsor - Vice Chairman levelconference sponsor - Trustee level2014 conference sponsor2014 conference sponsormember, corporate boardDonationDonationDonationMembershipGrantDonationTransactionDonationDonationSister OrganizationTask Force ChairChairmanDirectorDonationDonationDonationGrantPACPACHororary ChairDonationPACDonationDonationDonationDonationDonationDonationDonationOffshoot of RAGAGhost wrote letter to EPA sent by Pruitt$3M donation in 2015Running pro-Pruitt adsLaunched$250,000 donation$25,000 donationExxonMobilDevon EnergyCorporationSpectra EnergyCorp.Arch CoalAlpha NaturalResources, Inc.David KochKoch Industries,Inc.Charles G. KochEdison ElectricInstituteThe SouthernCompanyAmericanLegislativeExchange CouncilE Scott PruittMurray EnergyCorporationContinentalResources, Inc.Freedom PartnersAmerican EnergyPartnersRepublican AttorneysGeneral AssociationAmerica Rising PACAmerica RisingSquaredOklahoma StrongLeadership PACRule of LawDefense FundLiberty 2.0Protecting AmericaNowScott Pruitt forAttorney General

Scott Pruitt's Fossil Fuel Ties and EPA Opposition

President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to serve as administrator of the U.S. EPA. Pruitt has a long history of working to protect the interests of oil, gas, and utility companies. See our full coverage on DeSmog here.

In 2015, Pruitt, as Oklahoma's AG, filed suit against the EPA over the Clean Power Plan, the regulation that would curb carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. Assisting Pruitt were attorneys from BakerHostetler, one of the nation’s largest law firms.

Two of the BakerHostetler attorneys joining Pruitt, David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman, recently established the Free Speech in Science Project to defend companies and groups over their climate science denial. The group arose shortly after investigations began into ExxonMobil’s knowledge and actions relating to climate change. A few months after the group launched, Pruitt signed a letter, along with other Republican attorneys general, to counter the climate fraud investigations of fossil fuel companies.

Source: Energy and Policy Institute