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Manjula Dissanayake
Social Impact Investor, Sri Lanka
Graduate ('11→'12)*
Miguel Solis
Dallas ISD Trustee, President - Latino Center for Leadership Development
Master's Degree, Education (?→'12)*
Annie Knickman Plancher
Director of Programs and Operations at McKinsey Social Initiative
PhD, Education Leadership ('15→'18)*
Janice Shorenstein
Executive Director and CEO, Hadassah
Arun Ramanathan
CEO Pivot Learning
PhD, Administration, Social Policy ('01→'07)*
Gislaine Ngounou
VP, Strategy and Programs at Nellie Mae Education Foundation
PhD, Education Leadership ('11→'14)*
Jody Cornish
Senior Advisor for Innovation and Investment, City Year
Certificate, Adult Development*
Theodore R Sizer
Founder and Chairman of the Coalition of Essential Schools
Master's Degree, Teaching (?→'57)*
Gerard Robinson
Director, Center for Advancing Opportunity
Master's Degree, Education Policy Analysis ('94→'95)*
Bobbi MacDonald
Former Director of City Neighbors Foundation, Baltimore, MD
PhD ('18→?)*