Board Members
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Charles Feeney
Former billionaire who donated his fortune to Atlantic Philanthropies
Chancellor Advisory Board
Mark Smith
President and CEO, California Healthcare Foundation
Chancellor Advisory Board
Lloyd Smith
Professor of Medicine & Associate Dean, Emeritus, UCSF
Chancellor Advisory Board
Anne Wojcicki
Co-founder of 23andME, a genetic-testing company; former wife of Sergey Brin
Chancellor Advisory Board
Kim Popovits
President and CEO, Genomic Health, Inc
Chancellor Advisory Board
Bill Rutter
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Synergenics, LLC
Chancellor Advisory Board
Robert Rosenzweig
Former President of the American Association of Universities
Chancellor Advisory Board
Arthur Rock
Principal, Arthur Rock & Co.; charter school advocate
Chancellor Advisory Board
Richard M Rosenberg
Former CEO of BankAmerica in California
Chancellor Advisory Board
Kavitark Ram Shriram
Alphabet Board Member; Early Google investor
Chancellor Advisory Board