Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
4 contributions · 33,100 USD ('08)
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
2 contributions · 30,500 USD ('08→'09)
Chuck Schumer
US Senator, former Representative from New York
6 contributions · 8,800 USD ('96→'09)
Richard Blumenthal
US Senator from Connecticut
2 contributions · 4,800 USD ('10)
Mark Warner
US Senator from Virginia (2009-present); former Governor of Virginia
1 contribution · 2,500 USD ('11)
Gary Peters
US Senator (2015-present); Former US Rep from Michigan (2009-2015)
2 contributions · 2,000 USD ('08)
Christine Jennings
President/Founder/CEO, Sarasota Bank; Candidate for US House of Representatives 2004, 2006, 2008
2 contributions · 1,500 USD ('06→'08)
James H Webb
US Senator from Virginia
1 contribution · 1,000 USD ('06)
Chris Murphy
US Senator from Connecticut (2013-present); Former US Rep. from Connecticut (2007-2013)
2 contributions · 1,000 USD ('06)
Bruce Braley
US Representative from Iowa
2 contributions · 1,000 USD ('06)