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Alan Florez
Insurance Executive, Brown and Brown; former aide to Jeb Bush
Bachelor's Degree (?→'98)
Alex Martins
CEO, Orlando Magic
Richard T Crotty
Former Florida state legislator and Mayor of Orlando Florida
Bachelor's Degree
Olga Calvet
Trustee, UCF; former chair of the UCF Foundation
Bachelor's Degree, Accounting (?→'71)
Julia Pierson
Director, US Secret Service
Bachelor's Degree
Terry Shaw
President and CEO, El Camino Hospital
Brian France
Chairman and CEO of NASCAR
Undergraduate (past)
Craig R Springfield
BSBA (?→'85)
R Glenn Hubbard
Economist and Dean of Graduate School of Business at Columbia University
BS (past)
Alan Eustace
Former Google Senior VP of Research
PhD, Computer Science (past)