Loews Corporation is one of the largest diversified holding companies in the United States, with five operating subsidiaries
People Have Given To
People with positions in Loews Corporation have made donations to
Booker Victory Fund $15,600 Jonathan M Tisch
Monday Morning Political Action Committee $15,000 Andrew H Tisch, James S Tisch
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee $15,000 Anthony Welters
John Bolton PAC $15,000 James S Tisch
Smithfield Foods Inc Political Action Committee (Hampac) $15,000 Paul J Fribourg
Blue Dog Political Action Committee $15,000 Anthony Welters, Jonathan M Tisch
America's Natural Gas Alliance Political Action Committee $15,000 Charles D Davidson
Amy Klobuchar $15,000 Jonathan M Tisch, Jay L Kriegel
John Kerry $14,999 Philip A Laskawy, Paul J Fribourg, Andrew H Tisch, Charles M Diker, Lawrence S Bacow, Jonathan M Tisch, Joseph L Bower, Jay L Kriegel
New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee $14,760 Anthony Welters, Andrew H Tisch, James S Tisch
Chris Murphy $14,400 Philip A Laskawy, Jonathan M Tisch, Jay L Kriegel
Continental Grain Company Political Action Committee $14,000 Paul J Fribourg
Jeffries for Congress $13,700 Anthony Welters, Jonathan M Tisch
Jeb Bush $13,500 James S Tisch, Michael J. Dominguez
Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania $13,460 Anthony Welters
Mary Landrieu $13,400 Paul J Fribourg, Andrew H Tisch, Jonathan M Tisch, Jay L Kriegel
Dscc-Non-Federal Mixed $13,323 Jonathan M Tisch
Rahm Emanuel $13,300 Paul J Fribourg, Andrew H Tisch, Charles M Diker, Jonathan M Tisch, Jay L Kriegel
Every Republican is Crucial PAC $13,215 Charles D Davidson, Andrew H Tisch, James S Tisch
Chris Dodd $13,000 Paul J Fribourg, Andrew H Tisch, James S Tisch, Jonathan M Tisch, Susan P Peters, Michael J. Dominguez
Loews Corporation
Updated 11 months ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Public Company
Revenue 17.9 Billion
Website http://www.loews.com/
Aliases Loews, Loews Corp

Network Maps