Joe Hagin
Deputy Chief of Staff to George W Bush and Donald Trump
Katie Walsh
Member of a Trump agency landing team, formerly Deputy Chief of Staff at Trump White House
Josh Pitcock
VP Gov't Affairs, Oracle; former Pence chief of staff
Reince Priebus
Trump former Chief of Staff; chairman, Republican National Committee
Jennifer Pavlick
Member of a Trump agency landing team, works at Trump for America, Inc.
Marcia Lee Kelly
Former Director in the Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President
Sean Cairncross
CEO, Millennium Challenge Corporation
Rick Dearborn
Former Trump White House deputy chief of staff; nominee to be a Member of the Amtrak Board of Directors
Harriet Miers
White House Counsel under George W Bush; withdrawn Supreme Court nominee
Andrew H Card Jr
President, Franklin Pierce University; Chief of Staff under George W Bush