Michael Quayle
Former Publisher of The Vincennes Sun-Commercial 1990-2002
Ken Kendrick
Chairman, Datatel; owner Arizona Diamondbacks MLB franchise
George P Shultz
Thomas W & Susan B Ford Distinguished Fellow: Hoover Institute – Stanford University; Former United States Secretary of State
Warren Florkiewicz
CEO - Form Fabricators Inc
Norman McClelland
President of Shamrock Farms
John W Dawson
Chairman and CEO, The Dawson Companies, Ltd.
Daniel S Hermann
Chief Executive Officer of AmeriQual Group; board member, Foresight Energy
William Lavidge
President/CEO, The Lavidge Company
Thomas F Gilman
Retired TD Bank executive - Scottsdale Arizona; Trump nominee to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce (Administration) and Chief Financial Officer
Martha Quayle Thomas
Retired nurse, Monticello Wisconsin