former ambassador to the UN
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Andrew Young also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Barbra Streisand Erskine B Bowles, Harvey B Gantt, Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Cynthia McKinney, Max Cleland, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Betty Castor
Robert R Dyson Erskine B Bowles, Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Max Cleland, Bill Bradley, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Betty Castor
Elaine Schuster Erskine B Bowles, Harvey B Gantt, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Betty Castor
Alan F Horn Erskine B Bowles, Harvey B Gantt, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Cynthia McKinney, Max Cleland, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Michael J Coles, Betty Castor
Bernard L Schwartz Erskine B Bowles, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, National Leadership PAC, Georgia Federal Elections Committee
Ronald Rapoport Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Max Cleland, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Michael J Coles
Roselyne Chroman Swig Harvey B Gantt, Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Denise L Majette, Max Cleland, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Betty Castor
Fred Eychaner Erskine B Bowles, Harvey B Gantt, Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Jesse L Jackson Jr, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Max Cleland, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Hopefund Inc.
Edgar Bronfman Jr Harvey B Gantt, Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Max Cleland, Bill Bradley, George W Bush, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun
Donald Sussman Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Harold Ford Jr, Cynthia McKinney, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Betty Castor
Steve Grossman Erskine B Bowles, Ronald Kirk, John Barrow, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Hopefund Inc.
James A Johnson Erskine B Bowles, Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Max Cleland, Bill Bradley, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, National Leadership PAC, Hopefund Inc.
Michael D Granoff Erskine B Bowles, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Denise L Majette, Max Cleland, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Democratic National Committee, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Hopefund Inc.
William C Bartholomay Chris Dodd, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, David Scott, Harold Ford Jr, Max Cleland, Bill Bradley, George W Bush, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Dorothy Tillman
Lyn Davis Lear Erskine B Bowles, Harvey B Gantt, Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Betty Castor
Orin S Kramer Erskine B Bowles, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, National Leadership PAC, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Hopefund Inc.
Elizabeth Bagley Erskine B Bowles, Harvey B Gantt, Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Max Cleland, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Betty Castor
Steven Rattner Erskine B Bowles, Harvey B Gantt, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Democratic National Committee, Georgia Federal Elections Committee, Betty Castor
Mark S Weiner Ronald Kirk, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harold Ford Jr, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Charles W Walker Jr, Rev Jesse Jackson, Sr
Steven Roth Erskine B Bowles, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Gregory W Meeks, Barack Obama, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, National Leadership PAC