Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Mark Mendell also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Leonard Barrack Bob Kerrey, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Daniel Ken Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
John R Sasso Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
Ronald Rubin Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Daniel Ken Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
Jamie Gorelick Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, John Joseph Lafalce, Democratic National Committee
Jim Slattery Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Daniel Ken Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
Lewis Manilow Bob Kerrey, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Daniel Ken Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
Douglas D Durst Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Al D’Amato, Democratic National Committee
James E Smith Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Barbara Boxer, Tom Harkin, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, John Joseph Lafalce, Al D’Amato, Democratic National Committee
Peter G. Kelly Bob Kerrey, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Daniel Ken Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
Donald Sussman Bob Kerrey, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Daniel Ken Inouye, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Al D’Amato, Democratic National Committee
Richard V Sandler Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Daniel Ken Inouye, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
Andrew H Tisch Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Daniel Ken Inouye, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Al D’Amato, Democratic National Committee
E John Rosenwald, Jr Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Al D’Amato, Democratic National Committee
Jeremy Jacobs Sr Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, John Joseph Lafalce, Al D’Amato, Bill Paxon, Democratic National Committee
Harvey Weinstein Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
Gerald F Warburg Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Daniel Ken Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Chuck Schumer
Sid Sheinberg Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Daniel Ken Inouye, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
John P Manning Bob Kerrey, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee, Committee for a Democratic Majority
Woody Kaplan Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee
Ben Barnes Bob Kerrey, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Tom Harkin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Democratic National Committee, Committee for a Democratic Majority
Mark Mendell
Updated almost 7 years ago

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