Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
6 contributions · 58,100 USD ('94→'12)
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
1 contribution · 30,800 USD ('12)
Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee
3 contributions · 25,000 USD ('02→'04)
Kelli Ward
Former Arizona GOP chair, Arizona State Senator | 2016 republican primary candiate for senate
3 contributions · 5,400 USD (May 12 '16)
National Venture Capital Association Venturepac
Lobbying PAC
8 contributions · 4,738 USD ('89→'08)
Rubio Victory Cmte
1 contribution · 2,400 USD (Sep 17 '10)
Marco Rubio
Secretary of State. former US Senator from Florida; 2016 GOP presidential primary candidate
1 contribution · 2,400 USD (Sep 17 '10)
Brian J. Mast
Republican US Representative from Florida (2017-present)
2 contributions · 2,000 USD (Jul 24 '16→Aug 31 '16)
Bold Conservatives PAC
1 contribution · 1,000 USD (Mar 20 '17)
Trey Gowdy
Former US Representative from South Carolina
1 contribution · 1,000 USD (Aug 30 '16)