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Who Is Twitter Whistleblower Peiter Zatko, a.k.a. Mudge? - Business Insider
DARPA Names Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko CIO – MeriTalk
Peiter Zatko: Meet the former Twitter exec blowing the whistle on the company - CNN
Darpa's Star Hacker Looks to WikiLeak-Proof Pentagon | Danger Room | Wired.com
Amicus Brief for Andrew Auernheimer, AKA Weev – Times and Measures
Events: Cyber Fast Track -- Sponsored by DARPA
DARPA's Peiter 'Mudge' Zatko Takes Keynote Stage At Black Hat USA 2011
When hackers teamed up with the Pentagon to defend the internet
Mudge on X: "I’m back at DARPA, but this time part of the leadership team as DARPA’s Chief Informati
Peiter C. Zatko, DARPA