Leadership & Staff
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Yiyao Barnoon
Master of Public Health, Global Health
National Program Officer ('09→'12)*
Gro Harlem Brundtland
Former Prime Minister of Norway
Former Director General ('07→'10)*
Margaret Chan
Former Director General World Health Organization
Former Director General ('06→'17)*
Jane Halton
Former Secretary of the Australian Department of Finance
Former Executive Board ('04→'07)*
Timothy Evans
McGill University Dean of Population and Global Health
Former Assistant Director ('03→'10)*
Shaun Conway
South Africa Based Social Innovation and Tech Developer
Technical Advisor ('00→'10)*
Jose Luis Castro
CEO Vital Strategies
Former Operations Research Coordinator ('98→'01)*
Margaret Laws
President & CEO, HopeLab
Former Consultant, AIDs ('89→'90)*
Kofi A Annan
Former UN Secretary General; Trustee of CEIP
Position ('62→'74)
G Brock Chisholm
Medical practitioner from Canada
Director-General (past)