Miscellaneous Relationships
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CommonGood Capital
Value-Based Investing, Pacific Northwest
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
ISC Intelligence
Science, Technology and Innovation Research in the EU
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
Inter-American Development Bank
Development Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean. Banco de desarrollo para Latinoamérica y el Caribe.
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
Goldman Sachs
Wall Street investment banking, securities and investment management firm
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
Oxford University
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
Stanford University
One of the world's leading research and teaching institutions
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
Promotional Group for Mobile Operators Worldwide: Handset, Devices, Internet, Etc.
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
UN Agency for Global ICT
Stakeholder ('19→?)*
Bloomberg Family Foundation
Michael Bloomberg's philanthrophy foundation
Stakeholder ('19→?)*