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Charles E Adair
D Paul Jones, Jr
Former Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, Compass Bancshares, Inc.
BS (?→'64)
George Wallace
Former Alabama governor (D), staunch segregationist
JD (?→'42)
David Muhlendorf
President & CEO of Paper and Chemical Supply Company
Bachelor's Degree, Accounting (?→'72)
Donald M James
CEO of Vulcan Materials
BS (?→'71)
Don Siegelman
Former Governor of Alabama
BA (?→'68)
Robert Riley
Alabama governor; former US Representative from Alabama
BA (?→'65)
Spencer T Bachus III
Former US Representative from Alabama; Trump nominee to be member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank
JD, 1972 (?→'72)
Jeff Sessions
Former US Attorney General under Donald Trump
JD, Law
Richard Shelby
US Senator and Representative from Alabama (R-AL)
JD, Law (?→'63)
BA (?→'57)