Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
14 contributions · 123,250 USD ('96→'12)
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
10 contributions · 85,400 USD ('07→'12)
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions
8 contributions · 49,500 USD ('00→'08)
Priorities USA Action
Pro-Obama/Hillary Clinton Super PAC
2 contributions · 30,000 USD ('12)
Francine P Busby
San Diego Democratic candidate for Congress
7 contributions · 11,300 USD ('04→'10)
Kerry Victory 2004
1 contribution · 10,000 USD ('04)
Allyson Y Schwartz
Better Medicare Alliance president / CEO, former Pennsylvania Congressperson
6 contributions · 9,500 USD ('06→'12)
Patrick Murphy
former US Representative from Pennsylvania
9 contributions · 9,400 USD ('06→'10)
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
1 contribution · 8,000 USD ('92)
Chris Murphy
US Senator from Connecticut (2013-present); Former US Rep. from Connecticut (2007-2013)
7 contributions · 7,500 USD ('06→'12)