Kirsten Chadwick
lobbyist at Fierce, Isakowitz & Blalock
Darren Willcox
Lobbyist, Founder and Principal, W Strategies; former Principal at Dutko Worldwide
Paul Poteet
Glover Park Group; former staff member, Senator John Thune
Don Nickles
Chairman & CEO of the Nickles Group, LLC and Former US Senator from Oklahoma
Daniel Goodwin
Co founder and CEO, Inland Real Estate
Joseph E Gallo
President and Chief Executive Officer, E. & J. Gallo Winery
Elise Finley Pickering
Lobbyist for Mehlman, Vogel & Castagnetti, Inc.
Bruce M Barone
Retired, Naples Florida
Guy M Bowers
Self employed/Investor- Ruidioso New Mexico and Las Vegas Nevada