Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Jason Epstein also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Cheryl F Halpern Sam Brownback, Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Dan Meyer Steve Chabot, Joe Lieberman, Henry Bonilla, George W Bush, Mitt Romney
Leslie Rose Sam Brownback, Steve Chabot, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Robert W Fisher Steve Chabot, Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Les Wexner Steve Chabot, Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Marc S Lipschultz Danny Lee Burton, Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Travis K Anderson Sam Brownback, Steve Chabot, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Kathryn A Taylor Sam Brownback, Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Thomas E Workman Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Gerald Parsky Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Audrey G Ratner Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Robert H Pickens Sam Brownback, Henry Bonilla, George W Bush, Mitt Romney
Steven Hefter Danny Lee Burton, Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney
Sam Halpern Sam Brownback, Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney
Smith Davis Sam Brownback, Henry Bonilla, George W Bush, Mitt Romney
Donald R Keough James T Walsh, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Benjamin Leon Jr Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Jeffrey Gunter Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Murray Halpern Sam Brownback, Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney
Philip Altheim Joe Lieberman, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Jason Epstein
Updated over 7 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Lobbyist