Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
28 contributions · 37,870 USD (Oct 28 '96→May 14 '09)
2004 Joint State Victory Committee
1 contribution · 25,000 USD (Jun 30 '04)
McCain-Palin Victory 2008
1 contribution · 25,000 USD (Oct 16 '08)
Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania
8 contributions · 22,250 USD (Jun 9 '00→Oct 24 '08)
Boehner for Speaker Cmte
3 contributions · 15,000 USD (Jun 24 '13→Jun 10 '15)
National Republican Congressional Committee
10 contributions · 14,250 USD (Oct 29 '04→Jun 23 '14)
Jim Gerlach
US Representative from Pennsylvania
14 contributions · 13,600 USD (Oct 25 '02→Oct 24 '13)
Pat Toomey
former US Senator from Pennsylvania (2011-2023); former US Representative
6 contributions · 8,300 USD (Dec 28 '09→Aug 28 '13)
John Boehner
Republican US Representative from Ohio; majority leader
6 contributions · 7,900 USD (Jun 30 '13→Nov 16 '15)
Rick Santorum
former US Representative and Senator from Pennsylvania
7 contributions · 6,950 USD (Jun 25 '99→Apr 26 '06)