Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Republican State Committee of Delaware
10 contributions · 16,500 USD ('99→'09)
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
3 contributions · 7,000 USD ('00→'04)
Michael Castle
Former Republican Congressman from Delaware & former Delaware governor
10 contributions · 6,900 USD ('98→'08)
Tom Carper
US Senator from Delaware (2001-present); former US Rep from Delaware (1983-1993)
6 contributions · 5,000 USD ('03→'09)
E.I. DU Pont De Nemours Company Good Government Fund (Dupont Good Government Fund)
7 contributions · 2,850 USD ('89→'09)
John McCain
US Senator and Representative from Arizona
1 contribution · 2,000 USD ('08)
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
2 contributions · 2,000 USD ('12)
William Victor Roth Jr
US Representative and Senator from Delaware
2 contributions · 2,000 USD ('99)
Joe Biden
46th President of the United States; Vice President; US Senator from Delaware
3 contributions · 2,000 USD ('99→'05)
American Chemistry Council PAC
1 contribution · 1,000 USD ('99)