Miscellaneous Relationships
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Career Impact Bond (CIB)
Financial Arrangement - Income Sharing Agreement For Training and Services For Low-Income People
Planned CIB Pilot ('19→?)*
Democracy Prep
Franchise Charter School Based in New York City
Based In ('05→?)*
Defense of Marriage Act
opposed by
King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS)
Facilitates Targeted US "Philanthropy" To Europe and Africa
Rockefeller Plaza ('02→?)*
Cities for All
MPower Tobacco Control
Program Set Up By Bloomberg With WHO
Launched In ('08→?)*
Pierre Hotel
New York City, Looks Out Onto Central Park
Is Located ('30→?)
South Bronx Rising Together
Strive Together Collective Impact New York, NY
Serves ('14→?)
Riker's Island Social Impact Bond
First SIB In US, Initiated by Goldman Sachs
Prepared with ('12→?)*
Goldman Sachs
Wall Street investment banking, securities and investment management firm
Riker's Island SIB ('12→?)*