Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Donald Trump
45th President of the United States; Former host of The Apprentice Reality show; Real estate developer
10 contributions · 956 USD (Jun 28 '16→Oct 28 '16)
Moveon.Org Voter Fund
2 contributions · 700 USD (Oct 23 '03→Mar 12 '04)
Claire McCaskill
NBC/MSNBC contributor, former US Senator from Missouri
1 contribution · 500 USD ('12)
Trump Make America Great Again Committee
Trump/RNC Joint Fundraising Committee C00618371
4 contributions · 395 USD (Aug 8 '16→Aug 29 '16)
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
3 contributions · 90 USD (Sep 8 '16→Sep 24 '16)