Leadership & Staff
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Keith B Alexander
Former commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency
Deputy Director for Requirements, Capabilities, Assessments and Doctrine (past)
William A Owens
Former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
vice chairman (past)
Peter Pace
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George W Bush
Vice Chairman (Oct '01→Sep '05)
General Henry Hugh Shelton
14th Chairman (Oct 1 '97→Sep 30 '01)
Richard B Myers
Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2001-2005
Assistant to the Chairman (Jul '96→Jul '97)
Charles C Krulak
Member (Marine Corps Commandant) ('95→'99)
Merrill A McPeak
USAF, retired | Director, Miller Energy Resources
Member ('90→'94)
Nathan Farragut Twining
Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force (1953-1957)
Chairman (Aug 15 '57→Sep 30 '60)
Charles Pearre Cabell
US Air Force general; Deputy director of the CIA 1953-1963
director of the staff ('51→'53)
Kurt Campbell
Assistant Secretary of State under Obama; CNAS co-founder
Special Assistant (past)