Services & Transactions
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Uranium One Inc.
client · 40,000 USD (?→Jun 29 '12)
Burlington Northern Santa Fe, LLC
Railroad holding company
Lobbying Client · 40,000 USD ('00)
Sberbank CIB USA, Inc.
Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Golden Pass Products LLC
Partnership of Exxon and Qatar Petroleum
Lobbying client
David Marin
BP plc
Global energy company
Lobbying Client
Daniel Mattoon
President of Mattoon & Associates and Former Administrative Assistant for John Grotberg
Lobbyist ('07)
Burger King Holdings Inc.
Delaware corporation formed on July 23, 2002 as the parent of Burger King Corporation
Lobbying Client ('01→'04)
Aetna Inc.
Lobbying Client ('01→'02)