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Francisco D'Souza
CEO, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Frank A Brunckhorst
Chairman, Boar's Head Provision Company
Bachelor's Degree, Finance
Hoon Kim
Principal, AQR Capital Management
PhD, Business/Accounting
Frank A Risch
Retired vice president and treasurer, ExxonMobil Corporation
MS, Industrial administration
Clifford Brangwynne
associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University; 2018 MacArthur Foundation Fellow
BS (?→'01)
Michael B Willner
President and CEO of Pomegranate Real Estate
Terry Babcock-Lumish
Assistant Professor of Economics, US Military Academy; founder, Islay Consulting LLC,
Richard Calmus
AIPAC; Middle East Forum; Neighborhood Pay Services
Cate Reed
Master's Degree, Project Management ('04→'06)
Thomas Sumpter
BA, Public Relations (past)