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Gabriel L. Tishman
Son of Dan and Sheryl Tishman
BS, Sustainability
James Earl Jones
BA, Drama (?→'55)
Kimberly S Buddin
Senior Policy Counsel of the ACLU’s Justice Division
Stephen M DuBrul Jr
Chairman and President of the Export–Import Bank of the US from 1976 to 1977
Bachelor's Degree (?→'50)
Adam Roger Hattersley
Florida state legislator
BSE, Electrical Engineering (?→'00)
Aaron Ballmer
Software consultant - PYYNE Digital., Bellevue Washington
BS, Computer Science (?→May '21)
Samantha Woll
Detroit synagogue board president, active in the Democratic Party
BA, Medieval Studies
Alan Eisenberg
Attorney; served as head of the Actors’ Equity Association for 25 years
BA, English (?→'56)
Ted Kaczynski
The "Unabomber"
PhD, Mathematics
Risa Heller
Crisis managment consultant; CEO, Risa Heller Communications
Bachelor's Degree