Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Bill Halter
Former Arkansas Lt. Governor
4 contributions · 9,600 USD ('10→May 27 '10)
Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate
5 contributions · 8,900 USD ('03→May 21 '15)
Harry Reid
Late US Senator and Representative from Nevada
4 contributions · 8,800 USD ('03→'10)
Emily's List
EMILY's List members are dedicated to building a progressive America by electing pro-choice Democratic women to office.
4 contributions · 8,750 USD (Jan 8 '04→Aug 13 '14)
4 contributions · 5,750 USD ('03→'05)
Hagan Forward NC
2 contributions · 8,400 USD (May 22 '14→May 30 '14)
Richard Blumenthal
US Senator from Connecticut
3 contributions · 8,100 USD (Sep 21 '15)
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
6 contributions · 8,100 USD ('07→'12)
Robin Carnahan
Biden GSA Administrator; former Secretary of State of Missouri; Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate in 2010
3 contributions · 7,200 USD ('09→Jun 30 '10)
Dick Durbin
US Senator from Illinois (1997-present); former US Rep from Illinois
3 contributions · 7,200 USD ('07→Jun 25 '13)
Claire McCaskill
NBC/MSNBC contributor, former US Senator from Missouri
4 contributions · 6,850 USD ('06→Oct 14 '11)